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Top 9 Foods To Avoid Before Going On A Flight

Top 9 Foods To Avoid Before Going On A Flight

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Many people usually experience discomfort, nausea and light-headedness during flight. It is generally the outcome of a simulated cabin environment. The other possible reason is that you are at a higher altitude, far away from land, and the atmosphere is certainly different from that on the earth’s surface.

It is thus necessary to take care of certain things before going on a flight. Nutrition is one considerable aspect because pre-flight meals might increase your risk for developing certain issues such as stomach issues, discomfort and nausea during flight.

List Of Foods And Beverages To Avoid

Though you can eat any food, some foods might lead you to an uncomfortable and undesirable situation. Therefore, it is better to avoid foods that probably may lead you to trouble. Some foods might lead to digestive problems, especially if you are flying over a longer distance. The other foods might aggravate the feeling of nausea. Let us go through the list of foods that one must avoid before going on a flight.

1.    Alcohol

It is generally not a good idea to drink alcohol before a flight. Alcohol might dehydrate your body that does not go well during flight as the air cabin is already dry. This can make you lightheaded, and you might possibly get nauseous. Therefore, you should probably avoid alcohol before going on a flight. Alcohol can also increase the risk of other health issues during flight.

2.    Smoking Tobacco

Generally, smoking is prohibited during flights. There are numerous safety concerns due to which smoking is almost banned during flight. Smoking right before a flight might cause constant cough and throat issues throughout the flight.

Smoking is otherwise unhealthy, and people should stay away from it as it has a tendency to lead you towards major health issues. Many people are addicted to smoking, and it is not easy for them to avoid it. Find a better substitute for conventional cigarettes that is not injurious to health. Vaping is similar to smoking, but it is less harmful.

You can even find well-reputed vape brands like 99p E-liquids. 99p E-liquids offer a variety of flavors with varied nicotine strength. But it is important to know that even vaping is not allowed during a flight, but you can just take the device with you.

3.    Fried Food

All thanks to high levels of unhealthy saturated fats, fried food can cause heartburn during flight. Thus it is better to avoid French fries and other fried food before the flight. Fried food has a relatively good amount of sodium which causes bloating and swelling during flight. If you do not want any of the problems discussed during the flight, then it is better to stay away from fried food.

4.    Red Meat

Think again if you really want to eat your favorite meat burger right before going on a flight. Red meat takes time to digest. Eating red meat in the form of a burger makes it even heavier on the stomach.

Such meals before a flight can lead to digestive problems, including bloating, gas and even heartburn during flight. It is better to probably stay away from such heavy meals before going on a flight.

5.    Beans

One should avoid eating beans before the flight. Beans cause gas even when we are moving around doing routine activities. Imagine the trouble it might cause when you have to sit for hours during a flight simply. It will make the whole trip a complete nightmare. It is not a great option to have before a flight.

6.    Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables are very nutritious, and it includes broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. All these vegetables provide healthy nutrients to the body. However, it is not recommended to have these vegetables before going on a flight. These vegetables have a great potential to cause gas and bloating, especially during the flight when you have to sit for hours.

7.    Spicy Food

Spicy food is a major culprit for stomach discomfort. It is better to avoid it before a flight, to avoid any kind of stomach discomfort and stomach problem. Look for simple and bland foods and meals before flight. Spicy food can even irritate the digestive lining and result in discomfort during flight.

8.    Coffee

Caffeinated beverages, mainly coffee, are good as they can keep you alert and active, but you should avoid taking them before flight due to their dehydrating properties. During the flight, you need more hydration, and it is not a good idea to drink something that can cause dehydration. Therefore, when going for a flight, it is better to say no to coffee.

9.    Garlic

Garlic has many health benefits, but one should avoid its intake before going on a flight. Garlic has a strong odor, and it might even give you bad breath. Surely it is not a good idea when you are traveling in a closed air cabin. Not only to your own self, but the bad breath will make you a source of discomfort for others around.

What To Eat?

Just make sure that you keep it simple. Fresh fruits make a nutritious option for you when it comes to eating. Keep along with you a bottle of water and sip on it to keep yourself hydrated. You may even munch on a handful of nuts before a flight. The other healthy and good options include lean protein, yogurt, and dairy products.

Fruits such as bananas are loaded with potassium which is helpful to maintain water balance in the body, avoid bloating and maintain blood pressure. You can even make a smoothie that provides a good blend of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in just one go.

Take Away

There are a number of reasons to avoid certain types of foods before going on a flight. Avoiding such food will keep you away from discomfort and unnecessary stress during flight. You may find some healthy and better alternatives to food that you can easily consume before a flight. All you need to make sure is to keep yourself relaxed and comfortable.

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