The Seven Deadly Sins is a fantastic animated television series based on the manga of the same name of Nakaba Suzuki. The series made its debut on October 5, 2014 on MBS and TBS. In manga, the seven fatal sins are greed, lust, anger and pride. The show has become very popular, especially in children and adults. Although he has many fans, criticisms criticized his too sexualized humor and his over-sexualized intrigue season 1 of Seven Deadly Sins.
The Gowther is the Goat’s Sin of Lust
The Gowther is the sin of lust of the goats in the season of the Seven Mortals Sinas 1. During the last episode of the series, Nadja returns with a book which presents the magician Merdol. She is unable to leave the castle because of her poor health, so she brings her new companion, Gowther, to help her. She asks Gowther if he is a sorcerer. The Gowther replied that it is simply a doll created by a great magician. He also reveals to Nadja that his heart is magic.
The Gowther was disguised as Armando, a servant of Pelliot’s family. He accompanied the group of Pelliot when they made a quest, and he took care of him. He protected Pelliot, defending the giant armor attack. In the final scene, Gowther takes the form of Armando, a man hired by Pelio’s father.
In the episode of season 1 of Seven Deadly Sins “Bloodlust”, Meliodas is a ruthless demon who is often shown as a disadvantaged character. This disadvantaged character is the most powerful of the seven, winning 1.5 times his power when his demon brand is active. During the episode, Meliodas erases fraud without remorse and is a very controversial character. But when his ruthless side is at his highest level, he turns out to be the most dangerous character of The Seven Deadly Sins Season 1.
Meliodas is a member of the Demon clan, who is also the head of the city of Istar. He takes the lead in a battle with the queen of evil trolls. The battle between the two begins afternoon, and when Meliodas discovers that his master is in fact a member of the goddess clan, he takes the initiative to withdraw the Druids.
Elizabeth Liones’ search for the Seven Deadly Sins
As a princess of the kingdom of Liones, Elizabeth is accused of tracking down and destroying the seven fatal sins. These sinister creatures, which appear twisted minds of ancient Greek mythology, are known as the seven deadly sins. These sins are Meliodas, Ban, Dianne, the sin of snake, the sin of Boar of Gluttony, Escanor, Gowther and The Grizzly.
At the start of season 1, Elizabeth Liones has low self -esteem. She felt helpless and useless in combat. However, after having released Liones, she became more confident and useful to others. Finally, Elizabeth wins a stronger character, similar to the characters in the comic book series. Although she still doesn’t know herself, she is more capable than she was before.
In the series, Elizabeth’s biological parents are not mentioned and play no significant role. Many fans wonder if Elizabeth’s biological father is alive and if he will appear in the following series. The main character in the series, Elizabeth, seems helpless compared to other heroes. Fortunately, she learns her story and discovers that she is in fact a goddess who can save dear beings and fight darkness.
Over-sexualised humour
While the bright, colourful characters and excellent world-building make this anime worth watching, its over-sexualised humour is borderline offensive and unnecessary. While the action sequences are well choreographed and the characters are well-developed, the humour is unbalanced and unnecessary. The result is a series that’s both unsatisfying and confusing.
The Seven Deadly Sins is a fantasy show set in a world torn apart by the Holy Knights. The plot is based around the story of Princess Elizabeth, who escapes the capital and tracks down seven exiled warriors. However, it is not without its share of problematic undertones. Its over-sexualised humour and unlikable characters makes the series a difficult watch.