Famous American electronic dance producers, DJs, singers, songwriters, and multi-instrumentalists are widely recognized by the music. His solid career began in 2008, after he left the band named first to last, he was part of. He started the trend of electronic music genres known as Dubstep. The net worth is estimated at $ 45 million.


Early Life

On January 15, 1988, in Los Angeles, Sonny John Moore was welcomed into this world. He grew up in many different places because his family moved a lot. At the age of 14 he came from, because of intimidation. He found that he was adopted when he was 16 years old, so he was out of the private academy school who specialized in art. During his visit to the Punk show and Electro Club Raves in Los Angeles, he found that the band was from the first to the last seeking new guitarist. At the audition in Georgia, several producers heard it sang, so Insted became a band guitarist, he became the main singer of the band.

Skrillex Career

Dear Diary, my teen’s anxiety had the number of the body was the band’s first album with Moore as the main singer, and it was released in 2004. Their second album with Moore brought them a decent record sales. The album name was a female hero, and was released in 2006. He left the band after being faced with serious vocal problems and surgical intervention. After that, he decided to start his solo career.


Skrillex’s Projects

The Youtube Moore channel has almost 16 million customers. With a total view of more than 4 billion, the channel produced it between $ 172,000 and $ 2.8 million per year. Moore collaborated with Red Bull in 2014. The result of collaboration was a documentary, let’s make a spacecraft, which about behind the Skrillex Mothership tour preparation screen in 2014.

Real Estate

Moore paid for his comfortable house in Los Angeles around $ 2 million. The house is equipped with many electronic music machines. It has been reported that he spends $ 6 million in an empty place in Malibu, where he is expected to build his dream home.

Net Worth

Moore has a very bad financial situation before starting his solo career. After his departure with the band from the first to the last and the vocal operation, there was a time when he bummed and in debt. But things changed with his solo career, when he got $ 5,000 per show. Today the amount is between tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars per performance.

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