The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) has blazoned the fresh enrollment window for the NMAT from January 3 until January 9, 2022. Campaigners can log on to register for the test.

The operation test will be conducted from January 11 to 15, 2022. Campaigners who have used all three attempts for the NMAT by GMAC test for the testing time July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022 can not register for the fresh window. This means the campaigners who have taken the main attempt as well as the twore-takes, can not mileage the occasion.
The test places are limited and are on a first- come- first- serve base only. The test will be available at limited test centres and test places in the online proctored examinations at home will be available on certain dates within the testing period.

Gaurav Srivastava, indigenous director, South Asia, GMAC said, “ We’re confident that this fresh window of the NMAT by GMAC test will help scholars who have missed taking the test before as well as seminaries that have extended their operations deadline Also Read| GMAT applicants can now elect test places 6 months in advanced, Aadhaar Card to be valid ID for online examinations Campaigners, who formerly have an account but couldn’t register before, can use their being account and complete the enrollment. There’s no need to produce a new account. The enrollment figure will be Rs 2300 plus levies for the main attempt or regain attempt Campaigners can choose their preferred test mode for both the examinations at the test centre and the online proctored test at home option. Still, examinations will be available at limited test centres and test places in the online proctored examinations at home will be available on certain dates within the testing period.

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