Green Beret’s Guide to Surviving the Apocalypse is an upcoming Netlfix Original comedy-horror series created by Daril Fannin and Shawn Vance. Matt Damon, star of The Bourne franchise and Good Will Hunting is an executive producer of the series. Production of the series has been undertaken by Film 45 and Pearl Street Films.
Green Beret’s Guide to Surviving the Apocalypse Netflix Release Date
Netflix hasn’t provided a release date, but the series has been listed for a 2022 release. Given the series has been in development for years, and therefore the finishing touches are being applied now we’d expect an early or Spring 2022 release.
What is the plot of Green Beret’s Guide to Surviving the Apocalypse?
The synopsis for Green Beret’s Guide to Surviving the Apocalypse has been provided by IMDb Vance, who plays a comic book version of himself as he tries to survive through various apocalyptic scenarios, including a nuclear attack, supervolcano eruption, or in fact a zombie attack.
Who is within the cast of Green Beret’s Guide to Surviving the Apocalypse?
Below is that the confirmed cast list for Green Beret’s Guide to Surviving the Apocalypse:
What is the assembly status of Green Beret’s Guide to Surviving the Apocalypse?
At the time of writing, filming for Green Beret’s Guide to Surviving the Apocalypse happened four years ago. Principal photography happened between July 17th, 2017, and August 29th, 2017 According to IMDb, the series was completed in February 2020 after a lengthy post-production process. However, as of April 2021, the series has since gone back to post-production. The chances are the series is being edited to make sure all of the sound and visual effects are up to Netflix’s standards.