People who have been fully vaccinated no longer need to take the Covid-19 test either before or on arrival in India, according to new guidelines distributed by the government on Thursday, which will come into force since February 14 “Areas, including all Europe, need to stay at the airport until the results are determined.

Demarcation of ‘risky’ countries & other countries removed. Thus it is necessary to provide samples to the port of arrival & wait until the results are obtained from ‘risky’ countries dumped with, “Minister of Health Tweet Mansukh Mandaviya Guidelines uploaded to the Ministry of Health Union showed that people now need to submit a negative report from the RT-PCR test taken not before 72 hours since their departure or vaccination certificate to the government air suvidha portal before they ride flights.

Quarantine terms of the house of seven days mandatory after arrival has also been carried out; The passengers must now monitor their own health for 14 days Tourists have been advised to immediately isolate themselves and report to the nearest health facility or call the National Assistance Channel Number (1075) or the Helpline number of the state if they develop covid symptoms during the monitoring period.

But those who have symptoms when they arrive in India during screening will be isolated and taken to medical facilities according to the protocol Passengers will also be tested randomly (approximately 2% of the total passengers in flight) after arrival. This passenger will be allowed to leave the airport after they send test samples Positive cases will be treated based on protocols for the severity and samples will be sent to the sequencing of the whole genome, the guideline said.

Passengers who arrive at the port port or international land will submit to the same rules, even though they will not have water facilities Suvidha through which they can declare their test reports or their vaccination status. “Such tourists must submit the declaration form to the Indian government authority in the port / land port on arrival,” read the guidelines. According to the guideline, children under five years are released from pre-arrival testing, and India follows the same protocol.

“However, if it was found simptomatic for Covid-19 on arrival or during the period of the self monitoring period, they would undergo testing and treated according to the Laid Down protocol,” the guidelines The Indian tour operator association (IATO) welcomed the change. “Iato, thanks to the government to revise the guidelines and eliminate clauses of seven quarantine days for all citizens. In addition, we welcome the elimination of a list of high-risk countries because it will be very useful for tour operators because the list has countries that have countries is the main market “.

Rajiv Mehra, President, Iato, added: “We will encourage the return of the normal schedule of international flight operations in accordance with the bilateral agreement that applies before March 2020. At present there is only limited air bubble flights operating to several selected countries and rates Very exorbitant. After the normal international aviation operation continued, airplane tickets will drop dramatically, and this will increase the arrival of foreign tourists to India. “

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