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From US Partner To Pariah And Back: Saudi Prince Salman's Journey

From US Partner To Pariah And Back: Saudi Prince Salman’s Journey

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Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who was praised as a reformist, became a global paria in 2018 after the terrible murder of Journalist Journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul.
Four years later he was being rehabilitated, with Greece and France welcomed him this week on his first visit to the west since Khashoggi’s affair, less than two weeks after he received a reconciliation visit – and a boxing lump – from US President Joe Biden.

The following is an overview of important events since he became the ruler of Saudi de facto.

On June 21, 2017, King Salman named his 31 -year -old son Mohammed as the crown prince, limiting the ambitious meteoric rise of the Minister of Defense.

It happened in the midst of a great fall with Qatar, which was accused of supporting terrorism and too close to the rival of the Arch-Urs of Saudi Arabia Iran.

Royal purge

In November 2017, around 380 nobles, senior officials and business tycoons were arrested in dramatic cleaning which was presented as an anti-corruption drive.

Many have been held for weeks at the Riyadh Ritz-Carlton Hotel. Most of them were released after agreeing to a significant financial settlement.

Women allowed to drive

In September 2017, the monarchy ended a one -prohibition in the world of female drivers by announcing that they would be able to take the wheel from June 2018.

The cinema is also reopened, the music concert is held with a permitted gender mixed audience, and women are allowed to enter the sports stadium.

The enthusiasm produced by the announcement was somewhat muted by the oppression of female activists who had campaigned for the right to drive.

Lebanon crisis

In November 2017, Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri announced in a television speech from Riyadh that he resigned, quoting the “grip” of Iran in his country.

Saudi Arabia was accused of force his hands to try to weaken the Hizbullah movement supported by Iran who shared power in Lebanon.

After France intervened, Hariri returned to Lebanon and canceled his resignation.

Yemen war

Riyadh entered the war in Yemen in 2015 at the Chief of the Arab Coalition who supported the internationally recognized government towards Iran’s supported Huthi rebels.

The bombing campaign led by the Saudis increased conflict, turning it into a proxy war between Riyadh and Tehran, which produced the worst humanitarian crisis in the world.

Lunch with the queen

In March 2018, the Prince began his first foreign tour as heir, visiting Egypt and England, where he had lunch with Queen Elizabeth II.

Prince Mohammed then spent more than two weeks in the United States, meeting President Donald Trump and visited technology leaders at Silicon Valley. He also went to France and Spain.

Khashoggi murder

On October 2, 2018, Saudi Journalist Jamal Khashoggi was killed and cut in the Royal Istanbul Consulate, triggered global protests.

Prince Mohammed denied ordering the murder. The government blames naughty security officials.

The Saudi court condemned five people to death for the murder but they were later sentenced to prison.

The affair turned the crown prince into a paria in the west, with the United Nations and CIA reporters both connect it with the murder.

Talks with Iran

In April 2021, Prince Mohammed caused a surprise by stating that he wanted to have a “good relationship” with Iran. During the following year, the two curved gates did five rounds of conversation in Iraq, which led to speculation they could continue diplomatic bonds.

Yemen truce

Huthi Yemen rebels and the Saudi -led coalition approved the ceasefire two months in April 2022 which they discharged in June.

When Riyadh looked for ways to get out of the war, the Yemeni Saudi -supported President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi announced that he handed over power to the new council who would hold a peace talks with Huthi.

Pariah no more

On July 15, US President Joe Biden visited Saudi Arabia with a mission to try to increase global oil supply. He greeted the crown prince with a collision of fist, sealing the return of Saudi leaders to the international fold.

The picture attracted sharp criticism from the rights groups, with Khashoggi’s fiancée who accused Biden of having blood in his hand.

On Wednesday, Prince Mohammed arrived in Paris from Greece on his first trip to Europe since Khashoggi’s death. He will meet President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday.

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