Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday directed the South district management to offer households tormented by the latest DDA demolition pressure in Mehrauli with tents, meals and different fundamental amenities, officers stated. This comes days after Lt Governor VK Saxena directed the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) to prevent demolitions in Mehrauli and Ladha Sarai villages until in addition instructions.
The DDA, which comes below the BJP-led authorities on the Centre, had released the demolition pressure withinside the Mehrauli Archaeological Park region on February 10, triggering protests via way of means of locals.
“Mr Kejriwal has issued instructions to offer affected households with tents, meals and blankets in conjunction with different fundamental amenities. He has directed the district management to at once leap into motion and make sure that no own circle of relatives is hassled,” a central authority legitimate stated.
The demolition pressure got here a month beforehand of a proposed G20 assembly in South Delhi. According to officers, the region has approximately fifty five monuments below the safety of the Archaeological Survey of India, the kingdom archaeology branch and the DDA.
Revenue Minister Kailash Gahlot stated the problem of demarcation of Mehrauli Archaeological Park in Ladha Sarai got here to his be aware while he obtained a illustration signed via way of means of citizens of the region.
“I held a assembly with DM (South) on February 10 while it (I) changed into knowledgeable that the demarcation changed into achieved in December 2021 at the request of the DDA,” he stated in an legitimate communication.
The minister stated he changed into additionally instructed that the affected humans have been now no longer knowledgeable approximately the demarcation exercising. According to officers, the DDA used the sales branch`s demarcation as the premise for the demolition of alleged encroachments.
The Delhi authorities on February eleven introduced a sparkling demarcation exercising withinside the region. The BJP has demanded Mr Gahlot’s resignation mentioning the demarcation exercising achieved via way of means of his branch.