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BRICS foreign ministers’ meet: BRICS must meet commitments on territorial integrity, says Jaishankar

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With the Russian and Chinese Foreign Minister who listened, Foreign Minister Jaisankar said Thursday said BRICS had to fulfill his commitment to “sovereign equality, territorial integrity and international law”.

His statement at the meeting of Foreign Minister BRICS came in the middle of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, where India stated that territorial integrity and international law must be respected. In the border deadlock with China, New Delhi consistently underlines the importance of integrity and territorial sovereignty.

In a statement, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said the foreign ministers “discussed the situation in Ukraine and talks supported between Russia and Ukraine”, added that they also expressed concern for the energy and implications of food security from the conflict. But that does not condemn Russia for her actions or talk about respect for territorial integrity.

The Foreign Minister’s meeting set a stage for the meeting of BRICS leaders, which is expected to take place in almost the second half of June.Jaisankar, said at the Thursday meeting: “We not only have to find socio-economic recovery from Pandemi Covid, but also created a strong and reliable supply chain.”

“The effects of the knock-on of the Ukraine conflict have caused sharp increase in energy, food and commodity costs. This must be reduced for the development of the world, “he said. He said: “BRICS has repeatedly confirmed respect for sovereign equality, territorial integrity and international law. We must fulfill this commitment. “

The meeting was attended by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Brazilian Foreign Minister Carlos Alberto Franco França, Sergey Lavrov Russia and South African International Relations Minister Grace Nededi. The meeting was held by China.

In his remarks, Sergey Lavrov presented in detail the fundamental assessment of the development of the situation in Ukraine and “Special Military Operations”, said the Russian Embassy.BRICS must be unanimous and specifically supporting the UN Security Council reform,” Jaishankar said.

“Together, we must reduce the commitment of credible resources by developed countries for climate and climate justice actions,” he said, facing Western countries.”BRICS must show zero tolerance to terrorism, especially cross -border terrorism,” he said, in a hidden reference to Pakistan.

Then, the Minister of External Affairs also participated in the dialogue of the Minister of Foreign Affairs BRICS with developing markets and developing countries.He said, “International organizations must see real changes, not just new terminology. The balanced world and multipolar must lead to reformed multilateralism. “

He again raised the problem of terrorism. “Terrorism in all forms and manifestations must be condemned. We must take a strong action on all support, including financing. “The minister said: “Pandemi Covid followed by the Ukraine conflict caused enormous socio-economic difficulties in developing countries. We need a strong and reliable supply chain, economic decentralization. “

“Global recovery must advance food and energy security and prioritize health, digital and green growth,” he said.MEA said that the Foreign Minister BRICS supports the call to advance the process of reform and representatives that are greater than developing countries in international organizations and multilateral forums, including the United Nations and their safety council, so that they can play an important role in global governance.

“They emphasized that BRICS countries will continue to work together to withstand the distribution and effect of Pandemi Covid-19 and support the main role of WHO in fighting Pandemi; The importance of the ongoing discussion in the WTO is included in the travel proposal; And call for the implementation of the 2030 sustainable development agenda, “he said.

“Ministers exchanged views on advancing intra-Brics cooperation in three political and security, economic and financial pillars, and the exchange of people and culture. In this case, they remember adoption in 2021 of the revised reference requirements to guide the involvement of BRICS, “said MEA.Equating the grouping of BRICS as “positive, inspiring, and constructive strength”, Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday said the five -member blocks had to help stabilize the world that was rocked by turbulence and proposed his global security initiative (GSI) to promote the same shared security for all countries.

Give a video address at the opening session of the BRICS Foreign Minister’s meeting which was also attended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs S Jaisankar, XI said, “As a positive, inspiring and constructive force in the international community, the brics countries need to be tightened by confidence, brave storm and waves and take concrete action to promote peace and development, uphold justice and justice, and advocate democracy and freedom, so as to inject positive stability and energy into international relations in the period of turbulence and transformation. “

Highlighting the Global Security Initiative (GSI), which he proposed in April this year at the Annual Conference of the BoAo Forum for Asia in Hainan Province, Xi said, “Both history and reality tell us that seeking our own security by sacrificing tension and new risks. “In his speech, XI said the BRICS countries needed to strengthen mutual political trust and security cooperation, maintain close communication and coordinate on international and large regional problems.

The five countries must also accommodate each other’s main core interests and concerns, mutual respect for sovereignty, security interests and development with one another, oppose hegemonism and politics of power, reject the mentality of the cold war and block confrontation, and work together to build a global security community for All, said Xi.

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