BJP focal political race board of trustees will meet on Thursday to settle the gathering’s first rundown of contender for the urgent West Bengal get together political race 2021. The CEC meeting will happen at the gathering settle in Delhi around 7 PM and it will be gone to by PM Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, BJP president JP Nadda, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari, senior pioneer BL Santosh and others.
BJP focal political race panel will meet on Thursday to finish the gathering’s first rundown of contender for the urgent West Bengal get together political decision 2021. The CEC meeting will occur at the gathering settle in Delhi around 7 PM and it will be gone to by PM Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, BJP president JP Nadda, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari, senior pioneer BL Santosh and others.
CEC will get the name free from the contender for the gathering surveys and will likewise deliver the rundown of the possibility for the West Bengal get together surveys.
BJP West Bengal president Dilip Ghosh had on Tuesday said that the center board of trustees of the gathering will before long proclaim names of the possibility for the first and second period of decisions in West Bengal.
“Center Committee examined possibility for the first and second period of the political race here in West Bengal. It will before long name proclaim the names,” Ghosh said.