Eden is a British reality TV series; the first series was broadcast on Channel 4 from 18 July to 8 August 2016. It featured 23 participants living for a year in a remote part of Scotland, attempting to build a self-sufficient community. Filmed by the participants themselves, production began in March 2016. Unknown to the participants, broadcasting ceased after four episodes due to poor viewer ratings. However, the final 5 episodes were broadcast in August 2017 as Eden: Paradise Lost.
Eden Release Date:
Eden is premiered on Netflix on Thursday, May 27th, 2021.
Eden Official Teaser:
Eden Cast:
- Wolfram Koch
- Diamand Bou Abboud
- Juliane Köhler
- Joshua Edoze
- Bruno Alexander
- Theo Alexander
- Adnan Jaffar
- Maxim Khalil
- Sylvie Testud
- Michalis Ikonomou
- Yorgos Pirpassopoulos
- Elena Mavridou
- Trystan Pütter
- Sawsan Arshid
- Jalal Altawil
- François Dunoyer
- Thom Hoffman
- Eleni Vergeti
- Faten Abdelkafi
- Placide Njoh
- Alexandros Asse-Longovitis
- Kate Asse
- Marios Kotetsis
- Adrian Grünewald
- Kris Radanov
- Gina Stavroulaki