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US Cancels Talks With Taliban Over U-Turn On Girls’ Education: State Department

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Kabul / Washington: The United States suddenly canceled a meeting with the Taliban in Doha which was set to overcome the main economic problems, officials said on Friday, after the Ruler of Islam Afghanistan reversed the decision to allow all girls to return to class Cancellation of talks is the first concrete sign that the latest Taliban step on human rights and inclusiveness can directly affect the willingness of the international community to help the group, some of its leaders are under sanctions u.S.

“Their decision is a reversal of a very disappointing commitment and cannot be explained to the people of Afghanistan, first and primarily, and also to the international community,” said US State Department spokesman told Reuters “We have canceled some of our involvement, including planned meetings in Doha, and explained that we saw this decision as a potential turning point in our involvement.”

Three sources were familiar with the issue to Reuters that a series of meetings between administrative officials A. and the Taliban were determined to take place on the sidelines of the Qatar capital on Saturday and Sunday Some of the meetings including the United Nations and World Bank representatives, sources added.

Afghan Foreign Ministry spokesman confirmed that the Taliban delegation, including the foreign minister who acted, had hoped to go to Doha Talks are designed to include problems including the independence of Afghan central banks and printing Afghan currency banknotes.

Also for discussion is a humanitarian exchange facility to free cash and hundreds of millions of dollars funding which is currently held in the World Bank trust funds intended for the Afghan education sector, according to three sources They refused to be named because they were not authorized to talk to the media.

“The Qatar jet intended to collect Muttaqi delegates in Kabul has not yet appeared,” said a diplomatic source, referring to the acting of Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi The Qatar Foreign Ministry did not immediately respond to a request for a comment. This step shows Headwinds facing the Taliban administration in accessing foreign assistance and freeing the banking sector, which faces a lack of harsh currency that triggers inflation and exacerbates the economic crisis.

The Taliban also cannot access billions of dollars in foreign exchange reserves held abroad because the government including the United States refused to fully recognize it Washington and his allies insisted that the group, which prohibited the girls from school and most women starting from the last work he ruled, increased the human rights record Taliban, who struggled with a rebellion that overthrew the government supported by the West August, was also accused of pressing a free speech, loudly breaking up protests and deadly revenge on their former enemies.

The group said it would respect the rights of all people in their interpretation of Islamic law and have vowed to investigate the allegations of specific harassment Taliban on Wednesday backwards on their previous commitment to open high school to girls, saying that they would remain closed until a plan was arranged for them to reopen U-turn surprised a lot, leaving students crying and triggered a small protest from a daughter in Kabul. It also condemns condemnation of humanitarian and foreign government institutions.

“They must have shot themselves,” said Graeme Smith, a senior consultant in the international crisis group, from decisions about the education of girls The main donor summit for humanitarian assistance was set to take place this month, it was blessed by Britain, in an effort to help collect $ 4.4 billion in funding the United Nations said that it needed to meet the urgent needs in the country.

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